Making Memorable Meals

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Sophomore year of high school, in my Social Networking/ Social Media class we built blogs to learn how to gain followings online. My blog was called Making Memorable Meals, a food blog in which I shared family recipes and how each dish is important to me.

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Cooking and healthy eating has always been an important issue for me. I was raised in a house where love was expressed through food. I connected with relatives I never had a chance to meet by making their recipes.

Each week I made a recipe, documented it with photos, and shared a picture on Instagram after completing the recipe, a day before the blog post, and one once the post was live.

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I successfully built a blog with views from 10+ countries and gathering over 100 Instagram followers in the first weeks of the blog. The experience was also valuable as I became a better photographer to document my recipes in an artistic way and a better writer as well as I determined my personal voice to write to the world.

I had an incredible journey writing this blog and always wished I had the time to continue it. Although my food blogging days my be over, I will never stop cooking for myself or others to express how much I love myself and them.


Quarantine is Qool!