Quarantine is Qool!
This last week I created an awareness campaign called “Quarantine is Qool” to raise awareness about the importance of staying home to stop the coronavirus pandemic. It absolutely breaks me to see people my age disregarding the guidelines set by the people that are trying to stop the pandemic. My goal was to show people that it is cool to stay home and protect those they love, even if it means not being around friends. I also wanted to share my experiences and what I do to cope during the pandemic.
I stay home everyday so I can protect my family, friends, and community. Sometimes it’s lonely, frustrating, and boring but I make the choice to help those I love everyday. The coronavirus pandemic will not go away without everyone doing their part. Staying home, social distancing, and wearing masks is the best we can do.
The campaign centered around getting people to sign the pledge to stay home. Friends and family joined in and reposted my pledge on their story with their signature.As an added incentive to signing the pledge to stay home everyone that signed the pledge was mailed a “Quarantine is Qool” sticker pack. The campaign lasted for 7 days; each day I would post a series of coronavirus related graphics and pictures.
On day one I launched the campaign with a photo of myself wearing a mask and a short video about the upcoming campaign with a series of graphics from the sticker pack and the pledge.
On day two I shared the local and national coronavirus case numbers to remind people that we are in the middle, not end, of this pandemic.
On day three I posted a silly video of myself dancing to “pajamas” by Gnash with a a PSA about who should wear a mask and why and a graphic showing how far six feet really is.
On day four I launched my second sticker pack. The second sticker pack was a superhero themed one based on the idea that superheroes wear masks.
On day five I posted a series of graphics about how to see your friends in quarantine: online, socially distanced, or in a pod.
On day six I posted a series of photos about how I spend my quarantine days. I made a diy candleholder and cake pops and shared my summer reading list.
On day seven I reposted the pledge along with photos of why I and my friends stay home.
I am extremely proud of this project. In the end I may have only gotten about 20 signatures for the pledge to stay home but I spread the message to the best of my ability. In addition to my posts I had conversations with peers, reached out to family and friends, and researched more information about the coronavirus.
This may be the end of my campaign but I will not stop trying to inspire people to stay home.